Analyzing the Peri Urban Geography of the Hudson Valley

Hudson Valley, NY, USA.

By Irtiza Ahmed Chaudhry
hudson valley, agriculture, land use, peri-urban, land cover

The peri-urban ecology of Hudson Valley and its agricultural land is visualized as a changing landscape at the frontline of urbanization.

The Hudson Valley situated in New York State sits between growing urbanized zones. It sits nestled between two metropolitan planning areas which contribute to its changing landscape. The objective is to study this change in terms to geo-spatial factors and particularly observe the effect it has on agricultural land.

While the Valley is situated in a unique urban environment. It is necessary to view the particular Urban Ecology of the Hudson Valley and the massive role it plays as a peri-Urban landscape in the provision of Food, water, and environmental security. Forested areas, Cultivated Areas and the watersheds visible all show the flows and mobilities present in facilitating the vital needs of the adjacent urban areas.

The core measure of urbanization is population density. Quantitative visualizing how people are spread out over the region can help initiate an understanding of the socio-economic values at play.

Through this Spatial analysis of the particularities of agricultural land in the 11 counties studied, Research into understanding the loopholes and gaps in policy present which allow inequity to take place, but is also a threat to precious cultivatable land as demand for housing grows.