Delivering last mile

New York

By Roberta Werthein
social justice

Identifying which parts of the city are in need of bike infrastructure to facilitate delivery workers.

My final project is about New York City as, during the pandemic, there is an increased need for public space, and with the increase of online retail demand, and movement of goods delivery workers have become essential workers. This hidden issue has now become the foreground and The Deliveristas Unidos organization is fighting for labor rights regarding their right to use public space and public services. These refer to comfort stations, bike paths, and resting spots. The Deliveristas have a list of demands, and I want to concentrate on their fourth point being “The right to use a physical public space to eat, rest, and be protected from extreme weather.” I want to focus on the spatial contract with workers, solidify logistics on streets and see it on different terms. There is an existing problem between the private and the public and instead of allowing the wealthy to become wealthier, they have to concentrate on giving out public goods to the public.

This project visualizes a set of areas that would most benefit from bike infrastructure improvements in a way that it would help the Deliveristas make their job.

My maps and research will help the Deliveristas mission in identifying which parts of the city are in need of bike infrastructure to facilitate delivery workers, being bike racks, bike lanes and parks.

I also locate the publicly owned public spaces, to visualize the acces to each one and if it could be a possible site for resting spots, shelter, food and fulfill basic worker needs.
