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Methods 3

Regis Carto map

so how does a web map work?

(a few of these slides are adapted from these excellent Maptime slides)

most webmaps start with a basemap

basemaps are tiled

tiles are 256 x 256 pixel images

they use the same zoom, x, and y values, so they're interchangeable


as you zoom in, the number of tiles quadruples

if you made tiles for all of zoom 18 you'd have nearly 69 billion images

that's why browsers only load what you need to see


each tile is just an image on the internet



these tiles use OpenStreetMap data

+ CartoCSS

so how do you make base maps?

it depends!

in theory you can make tiles on your own

but many mapmakers turn to Mapbox


Mapbox provides modified OpenStreetMap data


not free, but free up to a point


luckily Mapbox and Carto do most of this for us

creating styles in Mapbox

for the most part, cartographic conventions hold with basemaps

but with basemaps, be aware that zooming and panning change how it will be viewed


in-class exercise, part 1

using Mapbox tiles in Carto

in-class exercise, part 2

you can add your own data to Mapbox basemaps

for example, when you have too much data to put in Carto, and you don't want popups on the data

I recommend adding data as a tileset

1. Upload data (such as a zipped shapefile)

2. Add the tileset to your style

in-class exercise, part 3