← Methods 3

In-class Exercises

Part 1: CSV Layer Projections

  1. Download today's data.
  2. Open the city_council_districts in QGIS.
  3. Open the NYPD Motor Vehicle Collisions CSV in QGIS.
  4. Open the 311-requests CSV in QGIS.

Part 2: Categorized maps

  1. Open the NYPD Motor Vehicle Collisions CSV in QGIS if it's not already open.
  2. Style using a Categorized style on the column BOROUGH.
  3. Style using a Categorized style on the column CONTRIBUTING FACTOR VEHICLE 1.

Part 3: Choropleth maps

  1. Open the CSV 311-requests in QGIS.
  2. Export 311-requests to a shapefile.
  3. Open the shapefile city_council_districts in QGIS.
  4. Count the number of noise complaints in each council district.
  5. Style the resulting layer with a Graduated style on the column containing the counts.