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Assignment 8


Part 1: Carto & CartoCSS

Create a map in Carto. The map can be on any topic and use any data you choose, including data for your final project. Then do the following:

  1. Add at least one zoom-dependent styling rule. That is, your features' styles should change somehow according to the map's zoom level.
  2. Add at least one attribute-dependent styling rule. That is, some features should be styled differently according to the value of one or more of their attributes.
  3. Experiment with a CartoCSS property that your styles are not currently using. You can find all of the properties in the CartoCSS documentation. Mostly points will use properties that start with marker-, polygons will use properties that start with polygon-.
  4. Consider how the map will look when shared online. Give thought to the title, description, and pop-ups you use. Modify your pop-up's labels as applicable to make them more readable.

While the aim of the assignment is to see you working with CartoCSS code, you should also intend to make changes to your styles that make your map more legible or interesting.

Submit a link to the map, and the final CartoCSS (copy and paste into a document and create a PDF), and briefly explain what you did with your styles.

Submitting your work

Please submit the link, code, and explanation from Part 1.