← Methods 3

Assignment 5

When you join two or more datasets, you combine them feature-by-feature, and this often gives attributes to a feature that it would not have otherwise had.

Attribute joins add attributes to features based on a unique identifier. Often you will have a spatial dataset (such as a shapefile) and a CSV file with extra data that you would like to map. As long as both the spatial data and the CSV have a common unique identifier (sometimes this is a name, but it could be a unique number or an address) you can join them in QGIS and add the data from the CSV to the spatial data.

Use attribute joins and US Census data to map either renter occupancy or median household income by census tract in the area within NYC you have been focusing on over the past few assignments.

Download census data using data.census.gov, join with the census tracts, and make a choropleth map with some of the joined data. Choose which data to get:

  1. renter vs owner occupancy
    1. Search for housing tenure
    2. Click the first result (Selected Housing Characteristics)
    3. Change the product to 2018 ACS 5-year
    4. Click Customize Table
    5. Under Geographies select Tract > New York > All Census Tracts in New York
    6. Click Download Table
    7. As discussed in the video, you will likely want to edit the CSV that you download.
  2. household income
    1. Search for household income
    2. Click the first result (Income in the past 12 months...)
    3. Change the product to 2018 ACS 5-year
    4. Click Customize Table
    5. Under Geographies select Tract > New York > All Census Tracts in New York
    6. Click Download Table
    7. As discussed in the video, you will likely want to edit the CSV that you download.

Submitting Your Work

Use a QGIS Print Layout to create a PDF or image. Make sure to add map accessories such as legends, titles, and scale bars as appropriate. Refer to your sources as appropriate.

Finally, include a short summary of what you did for this assignment. Explain what you created and how you did so. What did you have problems with? What did you enjoy? What would you like to know how to do next?