← Methods 3

In-class Exercises


Use hexbins to look at the density of points.

  1. Open the shapefile in Inside Airbnb.
  2. Use the QGIS search bar to search for Create grid.
  3. Change Grid CRS to something not in degrees (eg, 2263 is in feet).
  4. Select Hexagon for the grid type, set the grid extent to Calculate from layer > manhattan-listings.
  5. Set the Horizontal spacing and Vertical spacing to 1000 feet to start.
  6. Create the grid.
  7. If the grid's hexagons are too large or too small, repeat the process but change the Horizontal spacing or Vertical spacing. These determine the height and width of the hexagons.
  8. Count the number of points in each hexagon and make a choropleth with the resulting layer.